Malton Nagar Kirtan 2019

Thousands of Sikhs will parade through Malton this weekend to commemorate the Khalsa Day festival. Sunday afternoon, members of Mississauga’s Sikh community will march from the Malton Gurdwara at 7280 Airport Rd. to the Rexdale Gurdwara. The Sikh community celebrates the Khalsa festival to educate other Canadians about their faith and ensure the culture is…

Khalsa Day Parade 2019

Vaisakhi also knowns as Khalsa Day celebrates the Sikh New Year and the establishment of the Sikh community in 1699. In Toronto, the Ontario Sikhs and Gurdwaras Council (OSGC) organizes an annual parade along Lakeshore Blvd. This is the third largest parade in Canada and attracts thousands of participants and spectators each year. The parade…